Our beloved Founder (Director) - Pandit Eknathji Foundation (Popularly known as Guruji) is a visionary and a renowned astrologer. The struggles faced by poor people to make a living, deeply moved him. He strived tirelessly making efforts to bring about the positive transformation in society by educating people. His mission is to ensure all round development and bring about a positive change in the society by spreading the fruits of education among all. Having come from an extremely humble beginning, his mission has been to educate everyone irrespective of their caste, creed, gender, race & community. He has always believed that education can singly handled transform the world into a better place.
Currently the world is in the midst of a global pandemic. Covid-19 has hampered the social & economic order in ways we have never imagined. The virus causing havoc, massive loss of life, and the world wide lockdown has affected the human race in more ways than one.
Guruji having felt that Covid has added to the already high burden of problems of the poor. Thought of starting a foundation by his name Pandit Eknathji Foundation to help to needy in terms of food, Lagu Udhyog Aadhar for women, school fees for students, support for Cataract operation, help in case of accident, providing medicine for old people, help to Corona affected people by providing Ration Kits, support to Cancer Patients, providing safe drinking water facility, Wheel Chair for the Handicapped, books distribution, Spectacles Distributions, Support to Samohik Marriages for girls.